Energize Bridgewater / Energize Nova Scotia, a free discovery fair, will take place October 27th and 28th at 564 Glen Allen Drive in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia.

Cam Farrell’s off grid solar powered house in Upper Tantallon, NS
According to an update this morning from the Twitter feed @BridgewaterEnrG , there will be an off grid housing workshop led by Tantallon resident Cam Farnell on Saturday October 28th at 1:30. He lives happily off grid in Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia. Check out an earlier post on this site to get a glimpse into his expert insights, and experience.
Experts from @CleanFoundation and @efficiencyns will be on hand to answer questions.
Battery expert Dr. Jeff Dahn, a Dalhousie professor, winner of Canada’s top science prize last February, will be giving a keynote address, open to the public, on Friday evening, from 6-8pm, October 27th as a part of the discovery fair.
On June 17, 2015, lithium -ion battery researcher Dahn signed a research partnership agreement with Tesla Motors Co- Founder and Chief Technology officer J B Straubel.
“Our research group’s goal is to increase the energy density and lifetime of Li-ion batteries, so we can drive down costs in automotive and grid energy storage applications,” Dahn told Nikki Comeau, who posted a story on Dalhousie University’s www.dal.ca website on June 17, 2915.
A look at the www.energizebridgewater.ca website will give readers insight into the planning and partnerships that went into creating this fair. Of particular note is the diverse Advisory Committee who worked with the notably expert Technical Working Group. The ongoing project has been awarded Green Municipal Funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
This effort is largely the brainchild of Acadia Alumnus Leon de Vreede, the sustainability planner for Bridgewater.
On December 11th, 2015, the day before the Paris Climate agreement was adopted by consensus of 196 parties, Halifax City Hall hosted a celebration, in partnership with the Ecology Action Centre and Clean Foundation, showcasing clean climate champions. Leon de Vreede, was one of the Nova Scotians honoured at that event.