On July 22, 2018 Cape Sharp Tidal Turbine sinks into the Minas Passage off Black Rock, not far from Parrsboro.
In a statement earlier today, Halifax Headquartered Emera, announced it’s intention to pull their involvement in Cape Sharp Tidal. Cape Sharp is a joint venture with Irish based OpenHydro, the 80% partner, that is now in the process of being liquidated, because French parent Naval Energies is no longer willing to fund the expensive pre commercial project.
Terry Thibodeau, Coordinator for Renewable Energy and Climate Change for the Municipality of the District of Digby, speaking from Digby, said in an interview Friday August 10th, “I always wondered why they started at the Mount Everest of Tidal sites”.
“We are in the process of examining our rights and obligations under various commercial agreements with OpenHydro,” reads Emera’s statement.
“The ‘surprise’ application by Naval Energies to Ireland’s High Court on July 26th, requesting the liquidation of OpenHydro and Naval Energies subsequent statement that it will no longer invest in tidal turbines left Emera with no practical choice but to withdraw from Cape Sharp Tidal,” says the statement.
Emera understands that the provisional liquidator, Grant Thornton, currently controls the majority interest of OpenHydro Technology in Cape Sharp Tidal, and is responsible for decisions related to the operations and future of OpenHydro and it’s respective subsidiaries.
It is Emera’s understanding, based on the statement, that a number of local suppliers have been paid.
In a telephone survey late this afternoon, of a majority of accommodations providers in the Parrsboro area, only one has been issued a payment from OpenHydro since the liquidation process began. It was a partial payment at that.
A marine operator, who by the accounts of different people, provided vital services, prior to, during and after the deployment, confirmed this afternoon, his company has not been paid.
Emera says they will continue to encourage the provisional liquidator to resolve all outstanding items as soon as possible.
Energy Minister Mombourquette, speaking from Iqaluit Monday, said, “Were going to gather some information … for us as a regulator… We’ll follow up with Emera.”